and remember to look up at the sky.......

Thought I would share some news about a little short publication that many of you may not have heard of. It's called SPOONFUL....or what I call, "Happiness for the Soul". It is an Artsy Inspiring short publication created in Australia. In each issue there is a featured section called "Object of Affection". A random object is chosen and artists create something that will "fit" with the theme. And in this issue the Object is
"Flying Elephants"
I actually never heard of this publication until I was contacted a few months ago by the editor. She invited me to participate in the "Object of Affection" by creating anything to do with flying elephants. There were no rules.....just use your imagination and the only rule was that is had to be something about a flying elephant. I had alot of fun making this piece for the publication...... here she is

My version of a flying elephant.....I made an iTTY-BiTTY little flutterby flying ELLYFONT ;)
So if you would like to get your own copy of this charming publication just click on
Congratulations! Excellent!
I love your elephant!
thank you so much wonderful Wendy!!
You have made this issue of Spoonful that much more special!!
HUGE hugs,
Don't know what to say, these animals are so beautiful,and so alive it looks that even can talk!
i am following you,hope you wll follow me too
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