So I took her to the vet yesterday telling him that I think she may have the button blocked in her intenstines. He did xrays and found nothing, but because the button is plastic it won't show he said we will treat her for vomiting for now and go from there. Last night she would not eat and just drank water like crazy....just very very quite and wants to be left alone on her chair. Normally she would sleep in bed with me but did not want to leave her chair. She is definately not herself. Although she stopped vomiting because of the shot he gave her she still was not getting better.
Very early this morning she ate a little bit and she did a small little poopie....(no button found in it)....I thought she might be getting better but not so. The vet called me this morning to see how she was doing, but I had told him she still is not herself. He said I could wait awhile to see if things got better but I don't want to wait just in case it is the button obstruction in her intestines.....the longer you wait the chances of recovery get worse.
So I immediately brought her back there for more testing. I had to leave her for the day and possibly the night depending on what they find out. There is a Barium test they will do which will tell them if there is an obsruction.....if so, then I'm finding out via google that surgery is pretty much the only solution. I'm sitting here now typing away and getting so worried just waiting for that phone call from the vet to see if they find out what is wrong with her..........
I was just asking if you could send a little prayer up for her? I will keep you posted on what I find out about her. It's funny how our little animals are just like our children, part of the family, and how attached we get to them :(
Sending prayers for Zoey, and you too!
Oh Wendy, I will keep Zoey in my prayers & watch for your post updates...
Hi, Wendy:
My cairn terrier swallowed two straight pins years ago. He got
my pincushion and chewed it.
He had the same symptoms as Zoey
and when we brought him to the
vet they ex-rayed and there were
the pins. They had to come out
because the chances of them staying
straight was slim. He had the surgery
and everything went well. The only
thing was that Curly didn't like
the "lampshade" he had to wear so he wouldn't chew the stitches. He was his old hyper self when we picked him up and brought him home, like nothing ever happened.
It only cost mom and dad $1200.00
and a lot of anxiety!
I will pray for Zoey and I'm sure her doctor will take the very best care with her. I know how you feel, it's an awful thing to go through. I will say a little prayer for you too, Mom!
I'm holding Zoey and you, too, in my heart. I'm so sorry that she's doing poorly. Know that I, and many others, will be praying for a quick and good outcome for your little sweetie.
Heaps of Hugs,
P.S. Thanks for keeping us posted.
Oh.... poor Zoey.... Prayers are coming her way... let us know what you find out , please! It's so worrisome when are babies are sick.
I hope Zoey will get better soon!! I will be thinking of here, and she will be in my prayer..
Sending you lots of hugs,
A dog is a member of the family .................... I think of you and Zoey! Hope she will get better soon!!!
Hugs from Germany
You are right, they are like our children, and she is just a baby. My good thoughts are with you both.
So sorry Wendy for all this heartache, I do hope she will be on the mend soon. She is so sweet!
So sorry to hear about your little babe! Zoey will be held warmly in my prayers tonight as will you! I hope they find out what is wrong quickly. Blessings to you and baby Zoey!
Ahh, Wendy...I am so sorry about little Zoey. I hope he mends quickly. Poor little thing. Not much fun when our animals get sick too!
I'm sending a little prayer for Zoey!
Hugs, Nancy
oh, wendy, it hurts in my heart to hear about zoey ...
yes, ours doggies are the same like our kids, we love them with the same love, and it hurts, when they are not ok ...
wendy, I will pray every day for zoey, till its gets better with her ...
and I will pray for you too, I know how hard it is for a dog mom, to see her baby in hurt ...
may GOD bless you and take care of you both ....
thinking of you
Очень грустно!!! Желаю Зое скорейшего выздоровления! Пусть все будет хорошо поскорей...
Im sending up a prayer for you Zoey. Ive been through that with figgy and franny who get into my crafts supplies and eat things they shouldnt too. hopefully she wont need the surgery! keep us posted.
Sending prayers and wellness energy to Zoey!
Wendy, I struggled with all my heart and pray for your little girl. Let it all will be well.
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