Here Ye, Here Ye, I am very proud to announce that I have been published in the Winter 2011/12 issue of MODERN DOG Magazine :)

This awesome magazine had seen my work and contacted me for an interview to be featured in the "ART ATTACK" section of the magazine. Needless to say, I was totally honored and very excited. The interview took place a few months back and today, I just received my copy of the issue in the mailbox! This magazine is jammed packed with EVERYTHING DOG! So be sure to pick up your copy on the newsstand ....they are currently on sale now!
My Bulldog is even featured right smack on the index page too....[hooray]!!

What a great article.
your dog areso cute... congrats
Wonderful, Whendi! Congrats! Hugs, Janice
Congratulations, Wendy!! How wonderful!
Congratulations....a great honor....well deserved!
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