Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New SpoTTeD CiRcUs DOG !!!!!

Oh My....what a cutie......he is a terrier style dog with hand tinted whimsical black spots and an inked black circle around one eye. One of my fave themes is the circus....and his colors of black, creams & old toy reds....are just fab! And he is an iTTY-BiTTY too. He is for sale right now on ebay.... along with a newly designed rabut! If you have time, you simply must check them out and see lots more pictures.....


  1. какой милашка... Здорово!

  2. Wendic! "It is wonderful I love your toys!
    Hello, I want to reward you! for your wonderful blog and your work, Thanks for your beauty!http://kroliki-klamber.blogspot.com/2011/01/blog-post_26.html
