Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Had to Share my Gym Results!

I just had to share and pat myself on the I looked at myself in the mirror and said look pretty good and I had to take a picture to show off my new skinny body. I am actually wearing my daughters old abercrombie jeans....low rise and all....Holy Crap! 7 months ago there was no way in hell I was able to ever fit into these......but you see, we joined a gym back in February and I have been faithfully working out almost 3 times per week.
Like all women, I have been wanting to lose weight but tried all the diets and nothing worked until I actually started working out. I started out doing Zumba a couple times a week and then really got hit by the workout bug and just kept taking the really challenging workout classes. After 7 months of working out I am actually down to my "wedding day" weight.
Since I sit most of the day working...the only solution I had to ever lose weight was to get off my butt and go to the gym. So far I dropped 3 pant sizes and 20 pounds.
I never thought I could do it but now that I am, it actually feels good. So if you have been thinking about starting a workout, but hate the idea of actually "working out".......take a ZUMBA class for a couple months and you will feel soooooo much better and it gets you moving, you lose weight and it's FUN! Trust me it worked for me ;) And I really haven't changed my eating habits all that much. I still eat foods that are bad for now I just have to "train" myself to eat healthier ;)


  1. Congrats on your "new" body!!!

  2. wow, I could only wish that I looked that good. I know how much hard work it can be so I am thrilled that you are so excited by your "new" body!!

  3. Woohoo!! Congratulations Wendy! A terrific isn't easy to take it off and you have done it! You look terrific!!!

    Have a great week!
    Hugs, Nancy

  4. Congrats!!! It's so much easier to gain than to lose. You are one motivated momma and you look fantastic!!

  5. Good for you, Wendy! I am trying to get outside for a walk almost every day, since I work on the computer full time. I think your daughter needs to relinquish those jeans to you now. :o)

    ~Debora and the Crew

  6. omg! You are so skinny! Congratulations! I've got to find out more about this Zumba!

