Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Boston Terrier for Christmas!

I have had requests to make more Boston Terrier dogs in time for Christmas I made another Whimsical Boston ..... and he is on ebay right now! And what a cutie he is :) Just click on my ebay button to get there......... well back to work for me..... I'm crazy busy working in the studio.......


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Another wonderful creation! Wendy, I so admire your work--it's so fun and original. So I've given you an award. It's just waiting for you at my blog. Don't feel obligated to post 7 things about yourself, I know it'a a busy time of year. But I do hope you drop by and pick it up--you deserve it.
    Heaps of Hugs,
